Final Project Idea

26 Mar 2019


"The problem"

Students face the rising prices of food, and one great way to be frugal is to be aware of deals and taking advantage of them. Since there are so many food places around UH Manoa, it’s hard to keep track of what sales are going on or news of what’s happening at that certain food establishment.

"The solution"

We will create a website that would help notify users of food prices and availiblity on the UH Manoa campus, code named “Food Tracker.” Users could login and send in deals they see around campus. Other users can help with the visibility of certain deals by rating them 1-5 stars on how good they are. higher and more rated deals will be featured on the landing page. Deals on subscribed food establishments can notify the user subscribed through email. Admins can monitor the posts by deleting them or editing them from their Admin page.

Mockup page ideas

Use case ideas

Beyond the basics

Some extra features that can be added in the future would be

An idea brought to you by: Luke Bulosan, Andrew Yagin, and Jiajun Kang.